Wednesday, May 17, 2006

don't put your feet on my pillow!

i was motivated by angie and dean to report another dream. this dream isn't really interesting at all, it just made me laugh and get kinda irritated, but you'll see why.

i remember walking through a busy hallway with i think my best friend, jen. we ran into a couple of people from high school, but when we called their name out to say hi, they didn't respond. it was really busy and people we walking all over the place. finally we came to a room. i thought it was someone's dorm, but then when i looked in, it was way too big to be someone's dorm. the room was long and filled with bunk beds. but not just bunk beds with 2 beds, there were 4 beds stacked on top of each other. (like in ducktales how huey, dewey and louie had a bunk bed of 3 beds) on each bed there was a name. the bunk bed furthest to the right is where my bed was. the very top bed was mine, i can't remember who's was below mine, but the 3 one was abby's. she's the only other name i remember reading. so a bunch of us were in the room. it was me, jen, fran, my parents, anna liza, and some other people. we were all talking and then cristina and janice came in. at first we were just saying hi and such, but then somehow janice got onto my bed. (i don't know how cuz it was the top most bed and there wasn't a ladder). i turned and she started stepping on my pillow with here shoes on! omg, i went crazy. a true nightmare! i don't know why she was doing it, she just kept stepping on my pillow. i remember specifically focusing on her shoes, she was wearing her vans slip-ons. that's also when i kicked her. she stopped, but stayed up there. that's when i felt tension. after that minor confrontation with janice (which in reality if that ever happened would not be minor, more like major), erwin walked in. he walked in holding hands with a chimpanzee. the chimpanzee was really cute! and we all said, "Aww...look at the chimpanzee." then the chimp started running and climbing on the bunks. we were all laughing. that's when i woke up, i think one of the twins was talking about film or sumsing like that.

so yea, not the most exciting/intriguing dream, but i posted anyways cuz of the whole standing on my pillow and the chimpanzee w/ erwin. yup, basically janice better watch out cuz i don't take standing on my pillow lightly even in my dreams. beware. funny cuz i always thought it'd be angie putting her feet on my pillow, not that that's what i want...yuck! either way the whole idea is quite scary so please don't do it fo reals, thank you! alright, good night and sleep tight!


Blogger dinboy said...

hey! i have another dream you need to analyze

5:02 PM  
Blogger bellamay said...

ok dean, i'm all ears. :)

9:33 PM  
Blogger dinboy said...

man, so many people want to blog about their dreams. u should open this up to everyone

5:28 PM  
Blogger bellamay said...

i'm so willing...i need emails so i can invite. :)

12:27 AM  

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