the moon
So I've had many more dreams as of late. I have my theories as to why that is the case. haha I have theories about pretty much everything. Here goes...
So I dreamed I was traveling to the moon like it was normal just floating there. I get there and the moon is like a hollow cylinder/tube and it's really small like one tube in play land at fast food places, so I crawl inside. In my head in dreams like this I think to myself, "Didn't they land a space shuttle on the moon" and "Isn't it supposed to be round?" But I dismiss these notions. Anyway, while I'm in this very small moon, it cracks and breaks in half. The next day I'm looking up at the sky looking for the moon and I think I see it so I give a sigh of relief, but I realize that it's not the moon but actually the sun.
Last night I dreamed that I got a job at a fast food restaurant over the future summer.
Yo, if there are analyzers out there, I'm down for some interpretation.....
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