Sunday, July 15, 2007

my second posted dream for the week! haha

I blogged about this on my blog but I realized I should've blogged about it on here.

I was wearing a black judge's robe. The outgoing Supreme Court justices had apparently picked me along with 4 other people to replace them. (In my dream the Supreme Court only consists of 5 judges/justices). So the 5 of us incoming justices were seated at this round table facing the former justices and they were interrogating us. It was a very stress-inducing and nerve racking dream because the entire time I could feel my heart beating fast. There were top secret agents everywhere because I guess there were people who were unhappy about the former justices stepping down. Anyway one of the older justices asked the last question of the interrogation which was pretty climactic considering the question he asked (while holding a knife in his hand!!!!) was..."Are you willing to die for this position?" And all of the other new justices responded Yes without hesitation or fear... I replied "yes" but my voice was shaky and my knees got weak staring at that knife. Then they dismissed us and I walked over to my pink backpack to put stuff away... my backpack got HUGE after I put things in it. Then I was called back over to the courtroom and I was scared. That was the end of that dream.

Friday, July 13, 2007

cool girl & bunnies

I had a dream about Kirs, this scary truck driver whose cheeks were really red, me, & bunnies...dead bunnies :( what's worse is that i'm afraid of dead bunnies.

I KNOW IT'S RANDOM! i don't remember all the details. it was pretty fuzzy. all i know is that there was a drive thru resembling that of jack in the box and the truck driver was driving a car through it but there were like hundreds of living bunnies in that car... it was so full of bunnies that it was pressed against the window. i was standing in front of that car which was in motion and then i tried to stop it from going through the drive through... it didn't work. then scene change into a big empty room which was carpeted and kirs was in the middle telling me and a few people that we needed to sweep the dead bunnies off of the floor... she was like "don't question it just do it" and i was gonna cry cause i didn't want to and i kept telling her "no i don't want to" i stared at the floor and saw like 3 dead bunnies spread out on the carpet and the truck driver swept them to the side... i don't remember if i was crying at the end of it. who knows? the end. weird dream huh.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

pull ups

I had a dream at the beginning of the summer that I was doing pull ups and they were really easy. I haven't had a dream since then. There should be more dreams during summer, right? don't know.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

special victims unit

there we were, fin and i that is, standing on a sidewalk getting ready to catch some drug dealers. fin had the money and i was just tagging along. a black van pulled over near the side walk and this guy came out with a bag in his hand. the van drove away. fin said, "do you have the 'stuff'?" the guy nodded his head yes. fin extended his hand out asking for the drugs. the guy shook his head and said, "you first." fin handed him a bag of what i assumed to be money. then the guy handed him his bag. fin said, "is it all here?" the guy replied, "of course!" then the van came back, the door slid open and the guy walked back in. fin glared at the guy then said, "let's go!" i asked him if we got what we paid for. he opened the bag, and pulled out another small bag. it was half full with cocaine. fin stared at it and said, "they cheated us." he looked back suspiciously. i started to get scared and i asked, "should we go down the subway?" he nodded his head yes. and we walked down some stairs.

suddenly we were in this office trying to get tickets to go somewhere. inside the office, 2 adults, a man and a woman, were fighting with a couple of kids. then as we walked in more, the kids ran out. fin approached the desk and asked a woman if he could get some tickets. the woman seemed flustered by the fight and fin's patience was wearing thin. he said firmly, "who can i talk to about getting tickets!" the woman looked at him and replied, "right here." i looked around the room, trying to get a feel of where i was. then a woman, who seemed familar, but i couldn't figure out who she was, came over to me. she said, "i haven't seen you in such a long time." she stretched out her arms and gave me a big hug. as her arms wrapped around me i grimaced. i grabbed my left side near my lower ribs and realized i was in pain there. i had a huge fresh bruise as if someone had hit me with a bat of some sort. i thought my ribs were broken. the woman looked at me with concern and i worried she would think that i was in a gang or being abused. then she walked away.

before i realized it, fin and i were out again and he said, "we need to follow up with that agency and those kids who ran away. i think they're being used as slaves." i had forgotten about the pain on my side already. fin told me that we were going to sneak into their back office and see what was going on. we walked into this building that appeared to be a hospital. we peered into a room with a window. inside there were 2 men and a little boy. the boy was mute. (don't ask me how i know this, i just's my dream.) one guy shouted at the kid saying, "who have you told?" obviously the kid stayed quiet. the same guy shook his head and said to the other man, "kill him." then he walked out. the kid and the other guy started wrestling. i wondered why fin and i weren't doing anything. i kneeled by that window with my gun in hand, watching this kid fight for his life...then.....

i woke up.

i know, the ending sucks. i wish it was better...i wish i could have saved the kid, catch the drug dealers, and find out why i was hit with a bat. yet i didn't. rawr! anywho, tis been a long time since i remembered my dreams, so i thought i'd share with you. sorry it was boring, but that's all i got. the end.