Thursday, May 25, 2006

it's a shame so many have strayed from the faith. :(

i'm debating on which of the 2 dreams i've had to blog about. well the first one is rather sad and probably has to do with all the da vinci code talk. the other one has to do with aliens attacking and cristina pulling out a shotgun in attempts to kill them. also apparently in that dream janice is my psychiatrist. i'll just save that crazy dream for another blog.

the sad one is short, but this is what happened:
i was at mass with my parents and frances, sitting where we usually sit (which is a bit off to the side.) the church seemed rather full, but not Easter Sunday full. fr. john, our parish priest, was giving his homily. then right in the middle of it this woman sitting in front of us started talking. i've never seen this woman in my life before. she started arguing with fr. john. at first the comments were subtle disagreements. then she began ranting on about how nothing makes sense and that fr. john was wrong to say anthing about faith. she begin posing questions about why things are they way they are. some people in mass begin agreeing with the woman, while others stayed quiet. then she finally stopped talking. fr. john asked her if she was done and she replied, "well, for the moment." that's when an usher came over and asked if she could leave. she said, "i'd be happy to." she was escorted out of the church. slowly people begin leaving with her, but fr. john continued saying mass. the next thing i realize is i'm standing outside of the church. i don't remember leaving before mass finished, but i was out there with my mom and frances. many people were heading to there cars, but we were waiting for my dad. my mom told me to go inside and get him, so i did. my dad was sitting up in front (which is odd because he never sits right up front.) i walked over and stood next to him. then i heard fr. john say, "go now in peace to love and serve the Lord." everyone replied, "thanks be to God." then fr. john added one more thing, he said in a sad and low voice, "it's a shame that so many people have strayed from the faith." that's when i looked around and realized there was practically no one in church. it was a depressing sight. my dad started walking out, so i followed him. then i realized i really had to use the bathroom so i told him i'd follow him. this part had to do with the fact that i really had to use the bathroom. so it's kinda irrelevant to the dream itself. but yea, then i woke up and used the bathroom. i think i had this dream saturday night, so it most likely had to do with all the talk about the da vinci code movie coming out. and then the following night i had another dream, but i can't seem to remember what happened, all i remember was the saying, "it's sad that so many people have left the faith."

yup, not much else to say on that. anyways, the alien dream shall be reported soon. fyi, beware of cristina when she has a shotgun in my dreams. alright, that is all...back to studying...ya!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

don't put your feet on my pillow!

i was motivated by angie and dean to report another dream. this dream isn't really interesting at all, it just made me laugh and get kinda irritated, but you'll see why.

i remember walking through a busy hallway with i think my best friend, jen. we ran into a couple of people from high school, but when we called their name out to say hi, they didn't respond. it was really busy and people we walking all over the place. finally we came to a room. i thought it was someone's dorm, but then when i looked in, it was way too big to be someone's dorm. the room was long and filled with bunk beds. but not just bunk beds with 2 beds, there were 4 beds stacked on top of each other. (like in ducktales how huey, dewey and louie had a bunk bed of 3 beds) on each bed there was a name. the bunk bed furthest to the right is where my bed was. the very top bed was mine, i can't remember who's was below mine, but the 3 one was abby's. she's the only other name i remember reading. so a bunch of us were in the room. it was me, jen, fran, my parents, anna liza, and some other people. we were all talking and then cristina and janice came in. at first we were just saying hi and such, but then somehow janice got onto my bed. (i don't know how cuz it was the top most bed and there wasn't a ladder). i turned and she started stepping on my pillow with here shoes on! omg, i went crazy. a true nightmare! i don't know why she was doing it, she just kept stepping on my pillow. i remember specifically focusing on her shoes, she was wearing her vans slip-ons. that's also when i kicked her. she stopped, but stayed up there. that's when i felt tension. after that minor confrontation with janice (which in reality if that ever happened would not be minor, more like major), erwin walked in. he walked in holding hands with a chimpanzee. the chimpanzee was really cute! and we all said, "Aww...look at the chimpanzee." then the chimp started running and climbing on the bunks. we were all laughing. that's when i woke up, i think one of the twins was talking about film or sumsing like that.

so yea, not the most exciting/intriguing dream, but i posted anyways cuz of the whole standing on my pillow and the chimpanzee w/ erwin. yup, basically janice better watch out cuz i don't take standing on my pillow lightly even in my dreams. beware. funny cuz i always thought it'd be angie putting her feet on my pillow, not that that's what i want...yuck! either way the whole idea is quite scary so please don't do it fo reals, thank you! alright, good night and sleep tight!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

alright, so i'm blogging another dream. hmm...let me check the files of my mind to figure out which one to write about.............

ok, i got it! (tell me what you think, especially after you read the last word)

So the dream goes like this: i was walking around this desert like area with my parents and frances. there were tons of people around all walking in one direction. i really had no idea where we were all going. then, there it was....this huge wall. it was the wailing wall and a bunch of people were standing/sitting praying next to it. my parents immediately walked over there and begin praying. i didn't know what to do. frances just told me to go up and pray. so that's what i did. i walked over and squatted down in front of the wall. and that's when i started praying. it wasn't so much actual prayers, it was more like i was talking to God. So many thoughts, good and bad, flowed out. that's when i started to cry. tears begin streaming down my face. and just as i was about to collapse right then and there from what felt like complete exhaustion, there was writing on the wall. words in gold were slowly being written on the wall and then after i would read each word, it was disappear. it was odd, but somehow comforting. so i sat there reading, not really sure what was going on. excitedly i called frances over to see. she came over and read something that was written. then i woke up. it was quite strange, but one of the most interesting dreams i've ever had. for one thing, i've never even thought about going to the wailing wall and another i've never felt so strongly and emotionally attached to a dream. now you'd think i'd at least remember some of the words that were written which i assumed to have been from Him, but i can't. i have no recollection of what was written and i'm really sad about that. i was hoping it'd help me figure out what's going on in my head. now here's the funny thing. of all the words that were written, i only remember one. the word was not something, it was someone. the word was....
